East Asian mother lies on her side on a white bed. Her 4 month old baby is lying next to her facing her. The baby is gripping the mother's thumb.

Postpartum support when you need it most

Equipped with gentle kindness and all the current research on how to best support your baby during the first year of their life, I will help you gain confidence as a new parent and cope with the ups and downs of having a new baby. As a certified postpartum doula, my primary goal is to give you the care you need so you can be your best self and cherish all the firsts with your little one.

“Sasha is incredibly compassionate, calm, knowledgeable and patient… Postpartum she helped me and my family in ways that I didn't know would make such a difference .This included: helping me to understand what went on during my birth, caring for my toddler so my husband and I could have moments to connect in the chaos that the first few months can be, organizing baby supplies and taking baby outside to walk so I could spend quiet time caring for myself.”

- Olivia

The Process

During a typical 3-hour visit, I will:

  • Watch you feed your baby if you are breastfeeding / body-feeding and see if I can give any tips for a better latch

  • Take your baby to play with them and put them down for a nap so you can rest, get yourself some food, and shower

  • Tidy the house while baby is napping

  • When your baby is cueing they are hungry, I will take them to you or feed them with a bottle, whichever you prefer

A non-exhaustive list of services I can provide as your doula:

  • Process how your birth went and how recovery is going

  • Discuss any feelings of postpartum depression or anxiety and recommend additional counseling when necessary

  • Assist with breastfeeding / body-feeding by offering advice for an improved latch, demonstrating different ways to hold your baby while feeding, and providing information on milk storage

  • Hold, soothe, and watch over your baby while you get some alone time to sleep, shower, etc.

  • Assist with keeping the house clean by doing light housework – tidying, laundry, doing dishes, etc.

  • Meal prep by chopping vegetables or baking muffins

  • Keep you company when your partner goes back to work

  • Accompany you on walks, trips to the doctor, or errands if you are nervous about making these trips alone with the baby

  • Watch and play with your older children

  • Help with bedtime and sleep support

  • Make healthy baby food

  • Anything else you can think of that you need help with!

Postpartum Packages

Sasha is currently working on co-founding Willow River Doula Collective. Please click through to learn more Amy, Christine, Grace, and our new community care model! As a team, we know our shared care will bring families better experiences with their newborn, a smoother recovery from birth, and a wider range of support.

Postpartum care packages offered by the collective as low as $45 / hour!

All inquires for 2025 will be given information on Willow River Doula Collective. Please let me know if you are interested in exclusive support from me.

  • Often scheduled as 3 hours visits for $165. Usually reserved for short-term issues such as immediate breastfeeding / body-feeding support or sleep regressions that leave parents needing extra help, or when trying to decide if a larger package is needed.

  • 7 visits of 3 hours each (21 hours total) provides between two to four weeks of support. Best used for support during the first weeks after baby arrives when you are the most overwhelmed.

  • 14 visits lasting 3 hours each (42 hours total) provides 1 - 2 months of support. Best used for those who don’t have a lot of help from family and want some solid support. Can also be good if you have other children and need a lot of help keeping the house clean and meal prepping.

  • 20 visits of 3 hours each (60 hours total). Usually consists of frequent sessions during the first weeks and then weekly sessions once the baby is older. Can last anywhere from a month and a half to five months. Best used for families who have no help from family, and need a lot of support while learning how to care for their new baby.

Packages are paid over 2 - 4 installments.

I offer a few reduced fee / pro-bono postpartum packages each year for low-income families who are in need. Please email me at sashasiminedoula@gmail.com to inquire about pricing options.

“Nearly 1 in 4 birthing parents will experience feelings of postpartum depression or postpartum anxiety during the first year or their child’s life.”

StatsCan, 2019


There has not been nearly enough research on the effectiveness of postpartum doulas for improving parental mental health. However, dedicated mental health support and frequent communication with peers during the postpartum period improves rates of postpartum depression and anxiety (PPDA) (Dennis & Dowswell, 2013). Postpartum doulas focus on frequent home visits and discuss mental health as part of their work to help new parents avoid severe PPDA.


  • Since I am not a mental health professional, I consider it my job to help you identify if you are experiencing levels of depression or anxiety consistent with a serious postpartum disorder, and then refer you to one of the many amazing counselors in the region who can provide professional support. I can be a non-judgemental, confidential listener that you can discuss anything with. I will maintain a calm atmosphere in your home and help you develop routines that will regulate your nervous system.

  • Most of the advice online is written for neurotypical parents, and parents who are neurodivergent often struggling implementing this advice. I love working with clients to figure out what exactly their barriers are to caring for themselves and their baby. Whether it's a sensory barrier, not having a clear schedule, struggling to rest when baby is sleeping, or not having enough spoons to do all the "necessary" daily tasks. I help parents figuring out custom solutions to ensure their baby's health doesn't come at the expense of their mental wellbeing.

  • Yes! I have many clients who are either recent immigrants or who are very connected with their family's culture. I will always follow your lead on any postpartum traditions you wish to participate in including helping to cook special meals, giving postpartum massage, ensuring the home is cleaned appropriately, etc.

  • Family and friends can be wonderful help when newly postpartum, but sometimes the advice they give is based on hearsay rather than scientific evidence. I am trained and educated about all things postpartum recovery and newborn care to give you the best information on how to navigate the fourth trimester with your baby. I am also an unbiased support. I ultimately have no opinion on the choices you make for your baby, and I won't judge any feelings or worries you share with me. All I want is to make sure you're as cared for as possible and that you and your partner feel confident in your new role as parents.